In this Diaper News, you will follow Charlotte throwing herself at the discovery of the first European diaper distributor: Diaper Minister! This meeting will launch LNGU as an ABDL brand!
We will be greeted by Nascau, manager of this splendid firm, after a long journey in the heart of an Elsass covered with snow. First we enjoyed a nice warm chatty meal to better discuss the process of ABDL diapers making.
The day after, our host will lead us into his warehouse zigzagging in a rather impressive labyrinth full of ABDL products. What a fantastic occasion to do some shopping! The details will be settled with our future distributor partner, marking the beginning of the journey : LNGU is becoming a brand of adult diapers!
Back in Orleans, we will show you our purchases, still very excited by the first part of our ambitious project. It is time for us to create from scratch the diaper of our dreams…